What’s Best: Health or Wealth?

By Miguel Dos Anjos

                Disclaimer: I am not a financial adviser, and I am not a doctor. Consult your financial adviser, and/or your doctor, and do your own research before making changes to your life.

                During our entire lives, and often times especially as we age, we will need to take care of our bodies and fight off sickness. Being financially well does not mean much if your body and mind are not well enough to allow you to enjoy all you have built. If you are searching a peaceful worry-less future, and/or retirement; being healthy will help you live longer.


Feeling Good 

Being healthy helps immensely feeling good. Being sick or in pain often times sucks the joy and happiness out of us. If you want to build wealth, and reach beyond the stars; being healthy will be vital. Strengthening you to work long and hard, enjoy the journey and not being miserable. Would it be worth to be miserable for 20 or 30 years so maybe one day in the future you could be happy? I say let’s be happy today and even happier later!!


Health Cost

                Being healthy can definitely cost tons. Getting that organic salmon, omega 3 rich nuts, and preparing a nutritious meal may involve more time and money than a drive throw burger. But, there are ways around it. Let’s go over a few health habits, and how we can take most advantage of them at a lower cost.

1- Gym: 

                How many on us have paid so much money on gym memberships, monthly payment and all costs involved and sometimes not even used it after a week or two. Gym could cost from $10 a month to $200 a month in certain locations. 

                Regular exercise may help prevent innumerous chronic diseases. Sometimes even doing our part, our genetics will still allow chronic diseases to creep up upon us, but being healthy will still help end its effects all around, or at least diminish its effects upon us. Another way is home workouts that use our own body weights; and this one is free. In my opinion as long as you use the gym you pay for it is completely worth it. 


2- Healthy foods: 

                A diet rich in vegetables, and produce can decrease the risk of diseases. For sure this can be expensive, but there are many ways to eat healthy and affordably. For example buying what is on season. These days we can get all or most vegetables and food all year long but buying what is on season will allow you to get and enjoy the cheapest items and at its healthiest since it is at its natural course of growing and being available.

                The location you get your food also plays a big role on how much it will cost. How much the stores around my house charge vary so much and finding the most affordable one is very helpful. As I am writing this post, June 2020, we are currently in quarantine, so this allowed me time to find new ways of doing things. I found out certain locations called “Farmers Market” around where I live. From what I understand it is not a chain. I am not sure if they grow the items they sell themselves, but for some reason they sell everything 75% off average in comparison to other places I used all my life. Now I have being enjoying better deals like 4 big cucumbers for a buck, 3 lettuces for 75 cents, and others. Wish I had known such locations all my life, or at least earlier.  

3- Therapist: 

            Certainly not everyone needs one. But sometimes chronic stress or anxiety may lead to weight gain, heart attacks, and other problems. Seeing a therapist is usually not cheap but if it eases the mind, improves health or save a life it is worth it. 

4- Health Insurance: 

                Health insurance prices are extremely high. But yearly checkups, and detecting diseases early will save money and life (especially depending how late they are detected).


Getting Sick is Expensive

The cost to treat disease is too high. I will share with you an example I know. I will not say who, but this person I know had chronic heart problems in his family. From what I understand his mother passed on her 40s, and his father passed on his 50s, and he is alive today due to technology. Science saved him and also installed a defibrillator on his chest, which monitors his heart, and in case his heart stops beating it shocks the heart back to work. Many people die while waiting for an ambulance, or medical help to assist. In these cases every single second counts. The defibrillator, plus installing it, and the nights at the hospital costed over $300k.

One hundred years ago they did not know that their diet rich in unhealthy fats were not helping them. Today with all the information we have there are things we can do to improve our odds. It oculd be something simple like even getting enough sleep at night.

Staying healthy will save on the short run and on the long run, plus allow you to actually enjoy the long run.  

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