Eliminate Debt in 4 Steps

By Miguel Dos Anjos 

1- Write on a piece of paper all your expenses:

                On the road to financial freedom the first step is to get rid of all your debt, not including good debts, like a house that you might own, and have tenants paying off the mortgage for you.

                You need to know who you own, how much you own them, and what the interest being collected off of you is.

Add up all the expenses and all the money coming in. As long as the amount of money coming in is greater than your expenses amount, eliminating your debt is doable, otherwise you must find a way to cut expenses or increase your income.

2- Develop a plan:

                Great, now being aware of the numbers there two strategies to choose from.

1 – Pay the highest interest debts first. This is the most effective strategy, because, that is the debt that can snowball worse.

2 – Option number 2 is to pay the smallest debts first, that way getting an accomplishment happiness boost that will create a stimulation to continue on a good path.

                No matter which path is chosen, know all the expenses and all money coming in. Also, never forget to make at least the minimum payments on time, that way avoiding late payment fees.

Rule number one to make money is to never lose money.

3- Create saving habits:

                Emergencies always arise. A good strategy is to create an “Emergency Fund”, also at times called an “oh shit fund”. You may start small with 500 to 1,000 dollars and with time build it up.

                Another trick is to never use a credit card, because if we can’t afford something today, we definitely cannot afford it next month (not saying there’s no place for credit cards, as long as the credit card is fully paid at the end of the month, no interest will be added to it).

                Once done paying off all debt, that 500 dollars rainy day fund can be grown enough to cover 3 months of expenses. That is ideal to start having some freedom. To prevent working a job we don’t want or feel stuck, or even look for something better, the chance to do so would then be there.

                If you spend $1,500 a month for example; a 3 months rainy day fund would be around 4,500.

4- Invest:

                None of the steps mentioned here were temporary, they are a buildup. This is also called budgeting. Once all debt is dealt with, and the Emergency Fund is saved away it is time to invest, which is a topic for another post.

Best of luck squashing your debt. Comment bellow what strategy has best worked for you in the past, or is currently working for you.


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