How Fractional Shares & Stock Split Works?! Everything You Need to Know!

By Miguel Dos Anjos  

What Are Stocks and Shares?

Shares and stocks are a small part of a company. Once you own a single share or stock you own a small piece of that company. One share or stock will give you a very small portion of a company but you are still an owner of that company.

Stocks and shares are often referred to as the same thing. But they are not always the same thing.

Stocks, exclusively refer to corporate equities, securities traded on a stock exchange.

Shares describe a slice of ownership in a company. It has a more specific meaning to it.

We can only trade, (meaning buy or sale) public companies on the stock exchange but private companies may issue stock and have shareholders, but their shares do not trade on public exchanges and are not issued through an initial public offering.


What Is a Stock Split?

As a company grows and people keep on buying their stocks, with the higher demand the share price grows. And at some point each share becomes so expensive and less affordable to more and more people. That a company may issue a stock split.

When a stock splits your money total value does not change. If you owned 1 share of a company, and the share value was $1k and it does a 2 for 1 stock split you will then have 2 shares at $500 each.

➡Five years ago you could buy a share of Amazon under $500 and today each share costs over $3,400.

Amazon had a 2:1 split in June 1998, a 3:1 split in January 1999, and a 2:1 split in September 1999.

I have bought and sold shares of Amazon in the past but today at this value it is not very flexible. They might be the next company to announce a stock split.

➡Apple's stock has split four times since the company went public. The stock split on a 7-for-1 basis on June 9, 2014 and split on a 2-for-1 basis on February 28, 2005, June 21, 2000, and June 16, 1987.  

Apple announced a 4-for-1 stock split, which will take effect August 31, Monday 2020.

➡Friday, Aug. 28, Tesla will distribute four additional shares in its stock dividend a 5-1 stock split. That happens officially after the stock market closes, so any trades that occur earlier that day are still governed by the pre-split stock price.


What Are Fractional Shares?

A fractional share is a part of a share of stock that is less than a full share. It can come from stock splits, dividend reinvestment plans (DRIPs), or other corporate actions. 

Some platforms like M1Finance allow you to invest any amount of money you desire in a stock. That way we don’t need to save up over $3k, for example, to become partial owners of Amazon. You can invest $13 or $3 if you so desire.

With this "beer-bug" the economy has changed and some companies like Amazon that allow you to order their products from the comfort of your house, delivery companies like UPS and FedEx, and also streaming companies like Netflix and Disney+ are growing and making businesses. 

I have come to the realization that this is not temporary. Even if the cure comes to us today too many changes that are permanent or long term have already happened. People now work and study from home. Very few flights happen. Many businesses already did not make it and will not come back.

As we saw family and friends passing or suffering so much we got scared and we changed our behavior.

So I want to get a portion of this companies that I once thought would have their stock values drop to normal once the "beer-bug" went away. But even if this "beer-bug" goes away, no one will stop ordering items online, no one will stop having their items delivered to their door or will stop streaming their Netflix or Disney+.



M1Finance is a great tool to invest in expensive companies with small or specific amounts of money and help building wealth on this new planet we live on.

I don’t work for M1Finance and they don’t pay me to say this. I opened an account and the investing process was easy.  

Feel free to use my link here or on the description down below. You don’t have to use my link but if you do you will get an extra $10 once you open and fund the account with $100 and I get a $10 bonus as well.


Dividends and Fractional Shares

Some companies pay dividends. Sometimes they have so much money that they don’t know what to do with it, and sometimes for other reasons like government and real estate stocks.

But whatever reason they give back a percentage of profits to their investors.

And if you own a portion of a share you will receive a portion of that dividend payout.


How Stock Split Works with Fractional Shares?

Now we know that stocks are a portion of a company. And fractional shares are a portion of a stock.

Once a stock splits what happens to your fractional shares depends on your brokerage.

Some brokerages will only split full shares, sell fractional shares, and put the money back into your account.

For M1Finance your fractional shares split like whole shares do. If you had 4.5 shares before the split, in a 4-1 split, you will now have 18 shares.


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DISCLAIMER: I’m not a financial adviser. I don’t provide legal advice on my videos, posts and content. On this post, Blog-Page and YouTube Channel I just share my experience. The topics and ideas discussed on this blogpost are my opinions and are presented for entertainment purposes only. The information presented should not be construed as financial or legal advice. Always do your own due diligence. 


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