Online Course or Guide

By Miguel Dos Anjos 

                Making money with online course is a field that’s growing more, and more every year. First you will need to come up with a course idea, then develop the course content, and finally promote, and sell your course.            

               The most profitable online courses make up to $75k a year, and even $1M a year. But making $500, or $1k a month is a meaningful income for most people. You will need to develop the course once, but you will get paid by every new student that buys your course.

                If you are a great teacher of a foreign language, or know gardening, or have stock market knowledge, or anything you are an expert at; you can teach that, and develop your course. In case you are not an expert in anything, or at least anything that there will be an audience willing to buy, another option is to learn as you go using research, and studying to develop your course. Pick a course topic that interests you, and read the 3 top selling books on that field. After that you become an expert, and will know more than most people that will be interested in your course.

Which Subject to Select  

                Choose a topic that you are passionate about, and has a market, so you can make money selling it. Figure out a problem that people have, and build a course that solves that problem.  

                If you are not sure the topic you chose to build your course will sell well, you may ask people how they feel about it, ask more people than just close friends, and family. You may also send an email with a couple of lines mentioning some top points of your course, and see how people will react to it. A third way to find out if the topic you chose has potential is to set up an “apply to buy” page, that way you sell your course even before you are fully developing it.

What an Online Course Looks Like

                Your first course will not be perfect, and gigantic but make it as good as possible considering it will be your first course.

-          Create a clear outline of the topic you have chosen.

-          Divide the course into 5 to 10 lessons.   

-          Each lesson have to be 5 to 10 minutes long to keep students engaged.

-          Develop videos (of you, or your computer screen), text, and/or audio.

Most online courses consist of videos, and worksheets to help students apply what they learn. Good microphones, lighting, and video quality are great, but most important is how valuable your content will be to solve their specific problem.  

                After coming up with a course idea, developed the course content all you need to do is choose an online platform to make your course available for students.  

                Share in the comments bellow what your course will be about, or what you would like to have a course on.
                Our video covering this subject: 2 Passive Income Ideas


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