How to Get Free Stocks?🤑Which Free Stocks Did I Get?📈Are my Free Stocks Good?

By Miguel Dos Anjos  


First Free Stock (SAN – Bank Santander)

First I will show how to get free stocks and then I’ll show which free stocks I got.

If you have been watching my videos maybe you already know how to get free stocks.

The first free stock I got was when I signed up to Webull:

The stock could have been from $2.50 to $250. I got the minimum $2.50. I could have sold my free stocks and taken the money or bought a new stock with that money but I just left the stocks to be and see what happens.

With the new bug surging cases and China tensions; this specific stock actually drop a few cents.


Second Free Stock (AAL – American Airlines)

Then after I funded the account with $100 I got the second free stock.  It could have been anything from $12 to $1400.

I got AAL, American Air Lines. Valued at $12.18.

If you like free stocks, free money or investing please check out my channel; Make/Save/Invest, subscribe, hit the bell. It helps the channel so much. And you get the next tips to make money, to save and invest!!


3rd and 4th free stocks. (PEB x2 – Pebblebrook Trust)

Webull has a promotion if you refer a friend you get 2 free stocks.

I referred a friend and I got two PEB stocks. PEB is Pebblebrook Hotel Trust.

The Hospitality sector in my opinion is hurting with the social distancing we need to implement to stop spreading of the bug.

I still did not sell any of my free stocks. I truly believe things eventually will be more and more normal. The sooner that happens the better.

Any comments, ideas or questions that you may have; leave them on the comment section down below!! I do reply to all comments!!



👉1 free bank stock for opening the account.

👉1 free airline stock when I funded the account with $100.

👉2 free hotel stocks when I referred a friend. 

We have no control on which free stocks we get or how much they will be worth. It is 100% random.

1 in 10k people get a stock over $1k

1 in 1k people get a stock over $100


Free Stocks Boosted my Portfolio

So my Webull portfolio was at $100. After my 4 free stocks I got about $37, bringing my total portfolio to $137.

After 1 month I could sell all stocks and cash my money out and go out for dinner but that is definitely not what I will do.

I really like the platform and will be buying $100 worth of stocks.

Webull has cool services that I enjoy like the News, Market indexes that I always follow to help me understand how the world is doing so I can make better and educated choices when buying stocks.

Webull has Watch lists, paper trading, and Roth IRAs (Individual Retirement Account). 



So you can do the same if you would like to get free stocks.

I have a partnership with Webull so you can use my link (click here or down below) and you will get your free stock when you open the account. You get another free stock when you fund it with $100 within 30 from opening the account. I suggest funding the account right after it is opened because after funding the transaction may take up to 5 business days to complete.  

And you get 2 free stocks between $12 and $1400 when you refer a friend. And you can refer as many friends as you would like.

After you got your 2 free stocks use your link with your friends so you and your friends get free stocks. If you give your friends my link; it is ok with me but then you don’t get your “Refer a Friend” free stocks.

Most of us have parents, siblings or friends. Well I don’t have that many friends, but the friends I do have are top quality.

The platform is investing heavy into bringing new people in and we can take advantage of it to make some money.

But on top of that I am always investing anyway.

Other platform like Robinhood and M1finance have a bit similar sign up offers but much less generous with one free stock only or a fixed $10 bonus.

So when I needed to open my 3rd account I found good reviews for the 3 platforms but I chose Webull because it had the most free extra perks/stocks.


Disclaimer: I am not a financial adviser. Take in consideration your specific situation.

Any stocks that I will mentioned or talked about here is not because I want you to buy it.

On this post and on this blog I just share my experiences, and on this post I share how I get free stocks.

Do your due diligence.

Growth in Downturn Economy?!

So I already told you how you can get free stocks. This part of the post is an update non free stock related!

You already saw my new Webull portfolio. And hopefully if you follow me on this journey we will see it grow together.



It shows here almost a 40% return.

You see here in March it collapsed. It is going to be 3 years that I have been investing. So for a few 2 or 3 days I was completely in the red. I had less money than when I started.

On this graph you cannot see the real low dips because here you can only see the average total for each month or two.

But now in July it looks to me just like a V shape recovery. Not so much like a U or W shape recovery.


This Graph

On this account. Which is an account for later in life. All the compound growth in there is tax free if accessed after retirement.

It has a little bit over 87% return, heading to 100% return. The reason it looks like this is because on this account I can afford to be really aggressive and take risk.

I’m not talking about taking risk and being aggressive in a way that I don’t study the companies, and I’m gambling and they could go bankrupt and all investment disappear, but taking risk in the way that; similar to what we are living now. An event completely unexpected happened.



I’m emotionally fully detached. This is for 25 years from now. And when I look at this graph being emotionally detached seems to be paying off.

When I started doing this I just wanted a better return than the 2% to 6% return I was getting in a savings account.

So I thought to myself getting an 11% return would be great!! I remember watching Warren Buffett himself saying regular people should aim at a 15% return!! I never thought that getting almost 100% profit during an economic downturn would be possible!! To me that is mind blowing!!

Investing in Index funds, which I no longer do, but I believe is a great strategy for a lot of people or most people, riding the market with an average return of 11% in 30 years average.

11% is so much better than the best savings account out there with 1% to 2% return. Which barely beats the average 2% to 3% yearly inflation. Now after all this money printing that has been happing inflation will get even worse.

All right guys!! I will be wrapping up this blogpost here!! It’s getting longer than originally planned!! Last week we reached the 1k subscribers on the channel!! Thank you so much for putting up with me!! Watching, supporting and following!!

I’m trying really hard to improve the content, and cut off cringing moments!! I wish each and every single one of you the best luck out there!! Specially making money, saving and investing. I think that’s the main thing or only thing we talk about here!!

Thank you again so much for being here!! There are a few other videos and posts you may feel free to check them out!! Have a full of blessings day!!


📈Webull (get your 2 free stocks when you open and fund the account with $100)  

📈M1Finance (get $10 when you open and fund the account) 

🌐YouTube Channel 

📚Get my new book “Becoming Financially Free 

📚Book: “Making Money While Sleeping

📑 Leave your comments and ideas down below!!

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