Why Schools Don’t Teach Financial Education?

By Miguel Dos Anjos

We spend 13 to 25 years in school, and why is it that in no point we are taught Financial Education? We are told and taught that we need to get degrees, and study so we can get a high paying job but at no point it is explained to us how to manage our finances. They never taught us what are good financial practices? What are bad financial practices? Or how to go about it. So even the most successful people among us, that get the highest paying jobs, still financially struggle. And only the top 1% of the population develop Financial Intelligence and manage to get way further ahead and stay there permanently.

How Many Years in School?!

At age 5 we go to kindergarten, and some of us even earlier than that go to pre-k, and school starts teaching us. From Kindergarten to High School senior year is 13 years. If we get a Bachelors, add another 4 years so we now have 17 years of school. If you choose certain fields that requires longer time, such as medical, add another 4 years, which equals now to 21 years. Some people may even choose double majors, and minors. If you would like a Master’s degree, and/or a PHD add around another 4 to 6 years or so. Now we are looking at 27 years in school.

No One Can Take It from You

           School is great. What you learn is an investment that you do in your own self. This is an asset that is very hard or impossible for anyone to steal or take from you.

           More you feed your mind, and enable your brain more it can produce. Starving it from learning, and growing can only lead to rusting the mind, and brain. But, in no way the most expensive schools, or any school, is the ONLY way for you to learn and improve knowledge and brain power. There are many different types of intelligence and ways to learn, and grow our skills.

           Society keeps flashing on our faces nicer houses for us to live in, newer cars, and newer, better everything, every day. No matter how much you have; we never have enough money to get it all and keep up.   

          The Truth

           I do not know if school does not teach Financial Education because they do not know themselves. Or if they start teaching us how to use our capital in the best way possible to our own benefit people will stop paying $30k to $50k a year to college? Or could it be that if everyone saved an emergency fund, and stopped maxing their credit cards; the economy would collapse? Therefore, the struggle, and stress people suffer, and go through is a sacrifice people make to keep the 1% on the top?

It is entirely up to us to learn Financial Intelligence, stop our struggle and move up the ladder. 

Financial Intelligence

            Just recently a new term called “Financial Intelligence” has emerged. In the business world it involves understanding how money is used, and how to develop accounting, and finance knowledge, and skills.

A financial intelligence foundation will understand assets, liabilities, and financial measurements such as; profit, cash, income, balance sheet and cash flow. Finance and accounting are a science, and an art. Understanding how it works allows estimations, assumptions, and how applying different numbers results in different conclusions. Understanding the numbers in great depths improves ROI (Return on Investment). And finally Financial Intelligence allows being able to see the bigger picture, understand the current economy, and technologies.

Reading only is not enough to learn Financial Intelligence. Hands on, practice, and real world application are required. 

On this new series on the blog we will cover Financial Intelligence aspects. What it is. What is does, and how we can use it, and improve our lives. If you can spend 17 to 27 years studying to make the most amount of money in a job, trading time for money; "You might want to spend a little time learning skills that can put you financially ahead."  

I am not a financial adviser, and I do not know your specific situation. But I am sharing with you what I do, and what I came to realize. Take in consideration all aspects of your specific situation.

It is up to you to learn, and take action today, and end up with the top 10%. 

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