The Forgotten Way to Save Money

By Miguel Dos Anjos
Reuse (keep) 

                This one is easy; buy cheap. Or even better; get it for free, such as a donation or a gift. Re-use items for your entire lifetime, this way you never need to buy it again. For example buy disposable plates and cups but instead on throwing them away keep washing and reusing them. Also curb side of the road salad is free. Just kidding guys, there is a fine line between being frugal and economical, or being plain cheap. Reusing an item that is meant for a single use, may become unsanitary and cause disease, which will cost much more money or life.

Keeping this in mind there is an infinite amount of ways to approach this. It is up to each individual how deep to go into this. How much money is currently coming in, may or should, play a role into making decisions. Personally all house items, and any other items, I care for them like they were little babies, not giving them more value than they have but treating them well so they can last and I do not need to go buy new ones. These could be cups, plates, furniture, electronics and everything else.


Be Frugal But not Cheap

It’s also important to remember not to lose focus of the bigger picture. There is no need to focus too much time and effort on a few pennies when you can be able to make so much more somewhere else. For example; trying to keep a broken car that requires weekly or monthly trips to the mechanic is not being frugal but being cheap. The hundreds of dollars paid to keep fixing an old broken car could be used to pay on a semi new car. Personally a popular car with around 2 years of use in such case can be perfect since new enough to run well and need no mechanic trips but is used enough to have its price almost slashed in half compared to brand new.


Be Respectful to our Planet Limited Recourses 


Another way to look at this is being respectful to our planet, and the resources available to us. For example when killing an animal and eating just the juicer part of eat and throwing away everything else become wasteful, offensive and disrespectful to life. A harder meat can be great on a soup or stew and there many other ways of using most or the entire animal, which in turn is much more honorable. Another example are beets, which I love so much, and always come with a huge stem and leafs. One day I found out the in reality not just the beet roots were addible but also the stems and leaves. From then one every time I buy beets instead of making one dish with just the roots I get multiple dishes that taste delicious, provide more nutrition, flavor, variety and most important of all is a full use of the resource the earth and the planet provide me with. It can be a happiness fulfillment knowing that something that could go to a landfill polluting more the planet we live in is instead providing more purpose and value.


Don’t Buy What You Don’t Need

Before you buy something make sure you need it. We have only one life, and it is short so be happy. Do buy the things that will genuinely make you happy. Sadly often times we only get a short hormone rush at the buying point then we never look or touch that item again. A great way to go around it is whenever you like something so much but is not sure put it down and buy it the next day. Most of the time, the next day you don’t even remember it or realize you don’t need or want it. In case you still deeply thinking about it might be that such an item would really provide you with meaningful value. For me personally, I have adopted the approach of only buying things that will make me more money. The reason for this is that I got tired of buying things that would be put in my basement, occupying space, not being useful and giving me the guilty feeling that the $10 or $100 I spent could have instead bought me an Apple, or Microsoft share which would provide me dividends and stock growth.

Even though we could talk about this all day I will only go over a few more examples following what I have already mentioned:

-Properly maintain what you own.

-Buy only the food you need and use what you buy.

-Old furniture at times may be repurposed.

-Older clothes may be given new life. Etc…

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My video on this topic here: The Forgotten Way to Save Money

Get my book here: Making Money While Sleeping

Thanks for sticking until the end and I'll see you on the next one!! 


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