Should You Get a Financial Advisor?

By Miguel Dos Anjos

                Most people if not everyone could benefit from working with a financial advisor. But due to costs it is not entirely easy. A financial plan done by a financial planner may cost $1k or more, or hundreds as monthly fees. They may also charge 1% or so of the asset investment. Meaning that if you have $100k to invest the financial adviser cost would be $1k.

But at some point financial advice cost may repay back towards the future. Find the balance of what the cost is and what the pay back return would be is essential.


As You Grow

                As you build up, acquire investments, property, a business or inherit a large sum it may be helpful to acquire professional help that goes beyond what one can find alone on an online search engine.

                It is nice to keep in mind that a financial adviser, similar to a general doctor with many years of experience, will not know everything. So an adviser with the expertise in the field that you would like assistance will be of most effective use.

                If your investments are not big enough or for any other reason a financial adviser is not worth for you; there may be other options, and you do not need to be alone on your journey or have zero guidance.


A Financial Mentor

                A Financial Mentor may not be perfect, nobody is, but sharing his/her achievements as well as their failures, and being open in sharing what he or she has learned and experienced may be of great assistance.

                There are different types Financial Mentors. And, different levels of Financial Mentoring. You may already do it or know someone who does it. Like that person in the office who decides to bring in; his coffee, or lunch from home. Or playfully says “I can’t do this or that because it is not in the budget!” Other people see and identify such people that are not spending all the time and buying things that they do not really need.

                The next step would be when people start asking you things like: “What was that application you said you use to invest?”, “How do you avoid paying credit card interest?” (Which is by paying it in full every month or end of the billing cycle). Or any other questing of this order.

                And the ultimate mentor would assist the mentee on how to build a working budget. Have a deeper relationship where the mentor may teach, guide and help the mentee in the moves to take and behaviors to engage in.   


Setting Up Your Environment

                When one spouse has the mentality or spending and the other is focused on saving it may generate lots of conflicts. If you set up your environment with people searching the same goals, everything will move forward in a smoother manner.

If financial freedom, or looking for retiring early, or being able to work a job that you love instead of just making his/her boss richer getting similar minds around you can be of great benefit! I could be friends, family, online experts or a community. This will help you stay focused, learn and grow!             


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