Invest Your Money

By Miguel Dos Anjos

      Create and Invest in Assets 

Life is short and we need to make the best out of it. People have told me in the past I was greedy, or too much money focused. Well, aren’t we all money focused?! Most people don’t realize, but we study our entire early lives so we can get a 8 to 5 job, so we can pay for our car, our house, and the nice things we want. While school has been teaching us so many things, so one day we can get a degree, school entirely skips the concept of financial intelligence.  

While we can have the best job out there, with the highest paying, without financial intelligence we still can’t get far ahead. In order to be truly successful on the long run we need to live below our means. Most people after getting a nice paying job will go out and buy a car, when they get a pay raise, they will buy a bigger house, and in every corner in life whenever the money income increases they will find a way to allocate that money into a liability. Yes, your car and your house are liabilities, because they cost insurance, taxes, maintenance and constantly take money out of your pocket. The secret to this formula is to invest in assets. Assets are everything that put money in your pocket, a high yield savings account, a rented real estate unit, or a good dividend stock are some examples of assets. 

Grow Your Financial Knowledge 
Most very successful young athletes that make millions in their early career lives, end up broke exactly where they started once the money stops coming in. Coming from a poor background, nobody told them to invest the money, instead they spend it all in liabilities. No pile of money is big enough to last forever without assets, and an educated resource allocation. Same thing for people who win the jackpot, the money comes fast, and easy, and just as fast goes easy. Being poor once again they will blame the system or blame the rich, never realizing their own lack of financial knowledge.  

Allow Yourself to Have Choices 
By saving and investing our time and money in assets that can generate more money, and profit we give ourselves more choices; which for some people may be early retirement, or a prosperous and abundant future, instead of working for other people making them richer.  

Some of my favorite assets are also called “Passive Income” assets. Which means that there is work required up front, but once it is set up, and stablished, no work or minimal work is needed to keep it running.

It is our choice to do nothing with our lives or decide and build something great.

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My video on this topic: Invest Your Money


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